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Cze 24

A Summer Evening With Bella Union

Z Alessi's Ark, John Grant oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w Union Chapel

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Czwartek 24 Czerwiec 2010 o 19:00


Union Chapel
Compton Terrace, London, N1 2UN, United Kingdom

Tel: +44.(0)20 7226 1686


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We are very pleased to announce that we will be hosting a show at Union Chapel on Thursday 24th June to display some of Bella Union's newest acquisitions. Playing live will be Mountain Man, Alessi’s Ark, Lone Wolf and also a special guest headline act to be confirmed shortly. Tickets are a steal at only £12.50.

++ Just added! ++
Bella Union have announced that the special headline act will be John Grant

Występuje (4)

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