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Lut 19

El Perro del Mar & Taken By Trees

Z El Perro del Mar, Sarah Assbring oraz Taken by Trees w The Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre

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Piątek 19 Luty 2010 o 22:30


The Cambridge Family YMCA Theatre
820 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States


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MOVED TO THE BRATTLE: late show at 10:30 PM!

El Perro Del Mar & Taken By Trees
with Anna Ternheim
From Sweden
Friday, February 19, 8:00 PM

The Brattle Theatre
40 Brattle St., Harvard Square
Cambridge MA, 02138
General admission

Taken by Trees is the solo project of Victoria Bergsman, former lead singer for the Concretes. For her most recent album, East of Eden, Bergman undertook a dramatic and transformative trip to Pakistan to collaborate and record with local folkloric musicians. The resulting songs, including a cover of Animal Collective’s “My Girls” (re-titled “My Boys”) blur preconceived notions of the traditional and contemporary.

Under the pseudonym El Perro del Mar, Swedish vocalist Sarah Assbring sings with a deep and meaningful longing. Her tender, angelic voice is underscored by shimmering pop and folk melodies, expressing an inner turmoil and boundless desire. Fellow Swede Anna Ternheim will open.

Subscription discounts are not available for this concert.

For tickets or more information call WorldMusic/CRASHarts at (617)876-4275 or buy online at www.worldmusic.org.

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