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Lut 20

Radar presents Yeasayer

Z Yeasayer oraz Javelin w Speakeasy

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Sobota 20 Luty 2010 o 20:00


Belfast, United Kingdom

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Radar presents

plus guests

Speakeasy, Belfast
Saturday 20th February 2010
Tickets: £10

On sale Friday 25th November at 9am.
Available from Queens Students Union, Ticketmaster Outlets and www.qubsu-ents.com

Experimental Brooklyn indie rockers Yeasayer make their long awaited Belfast debut at the Speakeasy in early 2010. The bands first album All Hour Cymbals was released in late 2007 to critical acclaim and saw the band tour Europe and the US with friends MGMT and set them up with appearances at all major festivals in 2008 including Reading/Leeds. Ambling Alp was released at the beginning of this month and is the lead single from their second album, titled Odd Blood, which is due for release at the beginning of February next year.

Tickets on sale Friday 25th November at 9am.http://www.nowwearefree.com/press/images/NEW-Yeasayer72.jpg

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