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Czwartek 24 Wrzesień 2009 o 19:00


The Social
5 Little Portland Street, London, W1W 7JD, United Kingdom

Tel: 0207 636 4992


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Kup bilety


This September, Club Ugly presents an intoxicating evening of touching poppy
pleasantries for our distinguished guests...

The Stars of Sunday League:
Joining forces with Stuart Murdoch and Malcolm Middleton to prove that life sounds
better with a Scottish accent, the Stars of Sunday League pen some of the most
gorgeous musings that you are likely to here this side of the Mull of Kintyre.

"A band that will change your life."
– The Blue Walrus

Kinzli and the Kilowatts:
A delicate blend of jazz and cabaret held together by an enchanting songstress
dancing in lock-step with her smooth and subtle band. Will have you waltzing in the

“Brave, adventurous and talented.”
- Subba Cultcha

Jake Beattie:
A working class hero in the vein of a sober Shane MacGowan with a touch for
melancholy and a voice that can pierce hearts from a dozen paces.

+ a whole lotta soul on the decks and some truly leftfield segues.

Występuje (3)

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