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Maj 16

Armada Night

Z Dash Berlin, elsandro oraz John O'Callaghan w Westerunie / Westerliefde / Westergasterras

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Sobota 16 Maj 2009


Westerunie / Westerliefde / Westergasterras
Klonneplein 4-6, Amsterdam, 1014DD, Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0)20-6848496


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The last Armada Night, during Amsterdam Dance Event in a sold out Paradiso, is almost 6 months ago. Right about time for Armada Music to look forward to the next event. On the 16th of May, the Westerunie venue in Amsterdam will be the epicenter of music, as the first Armada Night of 2009 will kick off in style.

Worldwide, Armada has organized numerous Armada Nights over the past years, including their successful Ibiza parties in Club Amnesia. In 2009, Armada Music has planned at least 4 Dutch editions of this popular clubbing event. With the first Night in the Westerunie venue on May 16th, the atmosphere of Ibiza will be brought to one of Holland’s most refined clubs.

Armada Night @ Westerunie will feature some of the best Armada linked DJ’s, and pass by all the diverse sounds Armada has to offer: from progressive and uplifting trance to techy house.

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